Climate change and ‘The Fate of Rome’, today
Silvio laments the winds, the constant winds which have whipped our house and deposited extraordinary amounts of North African sand on...

Etruscan Cerveteri: learning to be part of the modern world
‘..to the tombs, to the tombs! On a sunny April morning we set out for the tombs. From Rome, the eternal city, now in a black bonnet. It...

In Memoriam – Philip Kerr
Philip Kerr’s Bernie Gunther novels are a treat. Over the past decade, having avidly read the first three from the 1990s, I have awaited...

Harry Shindler and Brexit
The indefatigable 96-year old Harry Shindler (see previous post for more about Harry) called last night. He was very excited. He has been...

Nonantola: making history
Sauro Gelichi and I organized a conference in Nonantola, near Modena, to celebrate the 6th and final monograph on his excavations of the...

Foreign museum directors in Italy
One topic always arises when I am in the company of members of the Soprintenza for Beni Culturali: should foreigners be running Italy’s...

The Uffizi of Molise
Europe has privileged the humanism of the (late medieval/early modern) Renaissance above the earlier renaissances of the Carolingian and...

Echoes of the 1930s
The aggressive attack on the Central European University (CEU) at Budapest by the Hungarian government concerns us all. It is a...

Harry Shindler - My War is Not Over
Harry is in his 97th year and is as indefatigable as ever. Following the showing of the film at AUR about him, this veteran of the 1944...

Running Rome
My daughter ran the Rome marathon. The course took in all the sights, including the Pope giving mass. It began and ended on the Via Fori...